Francis Land House

Building Documentation & Scanning
Building Documentation and Scanning
Data Collection and Risk Documentation
Historic Building Renovation
Preparation of Preservation Plans
Preservation Planning
Resilience Planning
Retrofit Recommendations Development
Site and Building Conditions Analysis

Francis Land House


Virginia Beach, VA


City of Virginia Beach

Building Resilient Solutions

Project Goals

The Francis Land House (c. 1805) is a house museum owned and operated by the City of Virginia Beach that requires specialized maintenance because of its historic nature.

CPG was hired by the City to review proposed renovation plans and provide recommendations to the design and construction team for the treatment of historic building materials.

Project Design

After CPG's initial site visit, the scope of work changed significantly.

The original scope of work included photographic documentation, identification of key historic materials and character-defining features, and recommendations for best practices for historic building treatment; however, during the course of the renovation, pervasive moisture damage and water infiltration was discovered.

Challenges & Accomplishments

CPG collaborated with Building Resilient Solutions (BRS) to develop a long-term solution for the historic building.

CPG utilized BRS’s equipment and talent to monitor moisture content and correlate external events like weather and tides to determine the source and drivers of the water damage and moisture. The ultimate maintenance plan for the Francis Land House was less costly and invasive because of the real-time information gather to determine the source of ongoing damage.