The Montgomery Building

Building Documentation & Scanning
Historic Building Renovation
Historic Research
Historic Tax Credit Consulting

The Montgomery Building


Spartanburg, SC


BF Spartanburg, LLC

McMillan | Pazdan | Smith Architecture

Harper General Contracting

South Carolina State Historic Preservation Office

National Park Service

Project Goals

The Montgomery Building is one of the earliest pre-cast concrete buildings in the US, constructed before fabrication standards existed.

Built in 1924, it was originally designed as a shopping arcade, theater, and office building. At the time CPG’s services were engaged, the historic paneled concrete cladding was delaminating and falling into the street.

Project Design

CPG oversaw a complete historic rehabilitation tax credit application for the project, including multiple site visits and coordination meetings.

Through collaboration with the State Historic Preservation Office, National Park Service, and the design and construction team, CPG obtained approval for complete removal and precise replication of the entire concrete cladding for the 10-story building.

Challenges and Accomplishments

Unbeknownst to the project team at the outset of the project, the original National Register Nomination contained an error.

CPG staff revised the nomination to ensure there would be no future conflict with the final qualifying resources. The conclusion of the project yielded a fully approved historic tax credit application and multiple awards for the innovative project design and transformational work done to the building.