The goal of the project was to develop a plan for the city’s historic and cultural assets that also values and uplifts the diversity of the city, tangible and intangible heritage, and Richmond’s unique sense of place.
Richmond Cultural Heritage Stewardship Plan
City of Richmond's Cultural Heritage Stewardship Plan

City of Richmond
Historic Richmond Foundation
Virginia Department of Historic Resources
Project Goals
In the Fall of 2022, CPG began working with the City of Richmond to develop its first city-wide Cultural Heritage Stewardship Plan.
Project Design
The project consisted of 2 Phases that prioritized community engagement and trust-building in Phase 1, and content development and feedback in Phase 2.
Phase I focused largely on stakeholder engagement, relationship building with community leaders, and gathering input on the city’s existing preservation challenges and opportunities through one-on-one and small group interviews. Phase 2 included larger in-person and virtual community engagement meetings, a public input survey, interactive open houses, and draft development and feedback opportunities. A Community Advisory Committee was formed to guide public engagement efforts as well as the content of the plan.
Challenges & Accomplishments
Richmond is a diverse city rich in heritage assets, but with varying interests and levels of support for preservation.
CPG met with numerous individuals and groups to gain insights about the goals and concerns of the city’s various stakeholders. Through this engagement, CPG was able to underscore common goals, bring forth recommendations that benefit many instead of just few, and highlight the ways that the CHSP’s objectives meet the needs of disparate stakeholders.