Suffolk Towers

Building Documentation & Scanning
Historic Building Renovation
Historic Research
Historic Tax Credit Consulting
Local Design Review Consulting

Suffolk Towers


Suffolk, VA


Tymoff + Moss Architects

Ringenberg Construction

Virginia Department of Historic Resources

National Park Service

Project Goals

The Suffolk Towers building was constructed in 1925 and sits within the Suffolk Historic District.

Originally known as The Hotel Elliott, the building was erected during the heyday of Suffolk’s peanut industry. CPG was engaged to assist with historic tax credits as part of the developer’s vision to rehabilitate the building into modern apartments. CPG also represented the owner at the City of Suffolk’s Historic Landmarks Commission to ensure project success.

Project Design

The hotel was converted into apartments in the 1980s and suffered two separate fires in 2021, resulting in its vacancy.

The 1980s conversion to apartments removed walls between existing hotel rooms but did not involve remodeling the spaces. The current work will expand each apartment’s dimensions to create more user-friendly laundry and kitchen layouts.

Challenges & Accomplishments

The largescale project is underway and has a projected 2024 opening date for apartment rentals.

Evidence of the building’s original life will remain with the restored check-in desk, decorative plasterwork, and terrazzo floors. Historic hotel doors and details from the ballrooms will be retained as well as a freight elevator that will be sealed.