CPG was hired by the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Department of Corrections to perform a Reconnaissance-Level survey of the James River Correctional Facilities and the Powhatan Correctional Facility’s pre-1970s historic resources.
Virginia State Farm Prison
Architectural Survey
Building Documentation and Scanning
Historic Resource Documentation
National Register Nominations
Section 106/Environmental Compliance
Survey and Evaluation of Effects
Virginia State Farm Prison Architectural Survey & Management Summary

Commonwealth of Virginia’s Department of Corrections
Virginia Department of Historic Resources
Project Goals
Due to the age of resources on the 4,000 acre property, an architectural survey and context study was necessary for future project planning and facilitation of federal guidelines.
Project Design
Working within and around the high security facility to complete this project required extensive coordination with the Department of Corrections.
The project involved updating conditions on previously surveyed resources and documenting new resources, including a 1960s maximum security complex with a visitor’s center and guard towers. Surveyor’s encountered numerous farm animals and several defunct movie sets while on site.
Challenges and Accomplishments
Despite many delays due to Covid-19 outbreaks at the prison, CPG's team was still able to conduct its field survey and develop its report of findings.
CPG’s deliverables consisted of a historical report, resource descriptions, an evaluation of significance and potential eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. CPG also navigated Section 106 for the project, which was triggered as a result of the Commonwealth’s desired scope of work for the campus.